Àngela Puig’s main research activities are focused on water exchanges modelling within the continuous Soil-Plant-Atmosphere systems. It is particularly emphasized on the aspects relat
ed to the eco-physiological and hyperspectral response of tree plants and the linkages with soil water deficit.
- 2017 – Present PhD student at the Department of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences (DiSAAA-a) of the University of Pisa.
- 2014-2016 International Master’s Degree in Rural Development, from the Department of Biosciences Engineering of the University of Ghent (Belgium), discussing the thesis entitled “Determinants of irrigation adoption in small cacao farmers in Ecuador”.
- 2009-2013 Bachelor’s degree in “Environmental Sciences” and was awarded from the University of València (Spain) for the best academic record of her promotion.
- May 2014 – August 2014 – Agricultural research insitute of València (IVIA). Position: research assistant on irrigation efficiency on vineyards
- October 2016 – May 2017 – Center of rural studies and international agriculture (CERAI), València (Spain). Position: researcher on agroecological food systems of València area (Spain)
- May 2017 – October 2017 – Spanish Society of Organic Agriculture (SEAE). Position: coordinator of projects and educational courses
- March 2017-Present KENEN Consulting (UK) Position: Social Environmental Consultant on Cacao producers’ initiatives
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