
National and International collaborations among the AgrHySMo lab. and Institutions/Laboratories/Research groups


Institution/Laboratory/Research group Lead Topic
The Ohio State University Prof. V. B. Sundaresan

Dr. T. Hery

Implementation of nanotechnologies in environmental smart sensor
University of Lisbon

Prof. L. S. Pereira

Prof. T. A. do Paço

Updating of the FAO paper num. 56
Laboratorio di idrologia del suolo e applicazione elettronica

Prof. G. Provenzano

Irrigation water resource management of citrus orchard

WSN to feed-back control irrigation scheduling and drought monitoring

Riego Deficitario Controlado y programación del riego en base a sensores and Métodos avanzados de estimación de necesidades de agua. Polytechnic University of Valencia

Prof. P. González Altozano

Prof. J. Manzano Juárez

Irrigation water resource management of citrus orchard
Tuctronics inc. (Walla Walla, Washington, USA) Ing. J. Tucker WSN to feed-back control irrigation scheduling and drought monitoring
Paltin International Inc. (Maryland, USA) Dr. I. C. Paltineanu Soil moisture sensor calibration protocols

Institut Supérieur Agronomique de Chott-Mariem

Prof. A. Boujelben

Dr. B. Douh

Sensor based irrigation scheduling
Via Fiume n° 11 – 50123 Firenze (FI) – Italy

Ing. S. Kartsiotis

WSN to feed-back control irrigation scheduling and drought monitoring