Awards & Recognition


Giovanni Rallo awarded by the MIMIT for the “intellectual Property Award 2023”

Best paper UNASA for Angela Puig-Sisrera

ISHS Young Minds Award for Lorenzo Bonzi at the II International Symposium on Precision Management of Orchards and Vineyards in Australia in December 2023

Best PhD thesis in Agrometeorology for Angela Puig-Sirera (Associazione Italiana di AgroMeteorologia)

Goetz Instrument Support Awards for Giovanni Rallo

RICERCA/A Giovanni Rallo il Premio dall’Associazione Agrometeorologia




Drought in Italy: A Foreseeable Disaster. National Geographic interviews Giovanni Rallo

ESA boosts Italian agriculture and disaster response through 5G satellites

Il progetto POIANA al MakerFaire Rome 2023

From Fresh-PlazaMagazione:La ricerca è una cosa seria: non si gioca sulla pelle del mondo agricolo

AgrHySMo al Maker Faire 2023: il progetto POIANA. Sistema per il monitoraggio di aree agricole tramite piattaforma su pallone aerostatico

Recognized by Sentek instruments. 50% Water Savings in Tuscan Pears

Select science®: How new portable technology is redefining the agrohydrological sector

TID – Toscana Inventors DAY (TID): AtmoSmart-dispositivo per la gestione esperta dell’irrigazione